Logbook Ecuador: majestic religious buildings, when art rhymes with tourism.
Breathtaking views, mosaics lining these beautiful monuments are essentials of Heritage-based Tourism. For a trip back in time, Ecuador is the place to be. A trip to Ecuador with Voyages de Rêve allows you to experience all the facets of this beautiful place. It is a country with an enormous historical, cultural and natural heritage, a passionate travel Ecuador awaits you. It is a rich territory featuring unique churches and monuments. Quito, the capital, is the first city in the world to be designated a World Heritage Site.
The historical and cultural influence of Catholicism on the Ecuadorian mainland is present, especially in the churches, chapels, convents, museums which are open to the public and which can be easily visited. There are more churches and religious monuments in the Andean region than in the rest of the country. Quito, on the other hand, has the most Catholic churches, museums and convents because during the time of the Spanish colony, the country's religious and administrative heart beat in the Ecuadorian capital.
When you decide to take your dream trip with us, you actively participate in choosing the privileged places that you will discover. We design an all-inclusive Ecuador trip for you. We take care of the logistics, to facilitate each stage of the trip and to secure according to all current standards, our trips and visits.
Churches, convents, museums to visit are numerous. To name a few, there are:
Commonly known as La Compañia, this Catholic church is considered one of the 7 wonders of Ecuador. Located in the historic center of the country's capital, it is the most visited place for travelers
You will also see some museums like the "Mitad del Mundo", the Colonial Museum, the Museum of Paintings and Sculptures and of course the artistic works that mix Indigenous and Spanish art.